INE Security’s eCPPT (Certified Professional Penetration Tester) certification is a highly regarded credential in the field of cybersecurity, focusing on practical, hands-on skills essential for effective penetration testing.

The certification evaluates candidates across various domains, including information gathering, initial access, web application testing, exploitation, and Active Directory penetration testing, ensuring they possess the necessary expertise to conduct real-world assessments.

The importance of eCPPT training in New York lies in its curriculum that prepares individuals for the complexities of modern cybersecurity challenges.

Become a Certified Penetration Tester with eCPPT Training

With NYTCC, you can gain practical, hands-on skills essential for a successful career in cybersecurity. The eCPPT certification is highly respected in the industry and focuses on real-world scenarios, enabling you to effectively identify and exploit vulnerabilities.

NYTCC’s eCPPT training gives you comprehensive resources and expert guidance to pass the exam on first attemp

– Develop reconnaissance and scanning skills

– Learn penetration methodologies

– Exploit vulnerabilities

– Conduct post-exploitation activities

– Perform web application penetration testing

– Prepare for eCPPT Certification

– Information Gathering & Reconnaissance

– Initial Access

– Web Application Penetration Testing

– Exploitation & Post-Exploitation

– Exploit Development

– Active Directory Penetration Testing

– Network Penetration Testing

– Security Consultants

– Network Administrators

– IT Security Professionals

– Cybersecurity Enthusiasts

– Individuals preparing for eCPPT certification

To enroll in the eCPPT training in New York, candidates should have a foundational understanding of penetration testing concepts and practices. While there are no strict prerequisites, it is recommended that participants possess prior knowledge of networking fundamentals, operating systems (particularly Linux), and web application vulnerabilities.

Why Choose NYTCC

When it comes to eCPPT training in New York, NYTCC stands out as the premier choice. 

NYTCC’s eCPPT training in New York is designed by industry experts who have extensive experience in the field of cybersecurity.

Our curriculum covers a wide range of topics, including network security, web application testing, vulnerability analysis, and post-exploitation techniques, ensuring that you gain a comprehensive understanding of penetration testing methodologies.

The hands-on approach of the eCPPT training in New York allows you to apply theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios, simulating real-world penetration testing engagements and preparing you for the rigors of the eCPPT certification exam.

eCPPT Exam Format

Exam Duration

7 Days Practical and 7 Days Report Writing

Questions Type

Practical exam and writing report documents

Passing Score

Scored by eLearn Security Professionals

Exam Retakes

One retakes after 6 months


eCPPT Examination Cost

The eCPPT (eLearnSecurity Certified Professional Penetration Tester) examination costs $400, inclusive of tax.

Domains of eCPPT Certificate



Information Gathering & Reconnaissance 

Focuses on techniques for discovering and enumerating target systems, services, and potential vulnerabilities through port scanning, service enumeration, and information gathering.

Initial Access

Assesses the candidate’s ability to gain initial access to target systems through techniques like username enumeration, password spraying, brute-force attacks, and exploiting vulnerabilities in web applications and services.

Web Application Penetration Testing

Evaluates the candidate’s skills in identifying and exploiting common web application vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), command injection, and outdated software components.

Exploitation & Post-Exploitation

Tests the candidate’s ability to identify and exploit vulnerabilities or misconfigurations in services, perform privilege escalation, dump and crack password hashes, and locate locally stored unsecured credentials.

Exploit Development

Assesses the candidate’s skills in developing or modifying exploit code for initial access and post-exploitation, with a focus on identifying and exploiting memory corruption vulnerabilities like stack and buffer overflows.

Active Directory Penetration Testing

Evaluates the candidate’s proficiency in performing Active Directory enumeration, identifying weak or empty passwords, performing AS-REP roasting to steal Kerberos tickets, conducting lateral movement techniques like pass-the-hash and pass-the-ticket, and ultimately obtaining domain admin privileges.


Career Post eCPPT

The average salary for professionals holding the eCPPT certification in the USA typically ranges from $70,000 to $120,000 annually.

Average Salary

The CCIE Collaboration online training in New York makes you a specialist in high demand in the fast-growing field of collaboration technology. It offers pathways to lucrative job roles like Collaboration Architect, Unified Communications Engineer and Voice & Video Network Manager.

Enroll for eCPPT Training Today

Join NYTCC for our eCPPT training in New York and gain the skills needed to become a Certified Professional Penetration Tester. Enroll today and take the first step towards achieving your eCPPT certification!

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