The Associate Protection Professional (APP) certificate is a beginner’s course from the American Society for Industrial Security that shows you’ve got a basic understanding of security management. It’s great for people who want to show they know a lot about important security areas like identifying risks, analyzing threats, handling emergencies, investigating incidents, and being ready for anything.

Taking the ASIS-APP training in New York has a lot of perks. You can learn whenever it fits into your schedule, whether that’s after work, during your lunch break, or whenever you have free time. After you finish, it could make it easier to land a job, earn more, and get more respect in the field.

Getting the APP certificate from ASIS International and completing their online course gives security experts the basic skills they need, helps their careers grow, and supports their ongoing learning to keep up with the ever-changing world of security management.

Why Choose APP Training

The ASIS-APP training in New York is great for both experts and beginners who want to dive deeper into security management. You can learn at your own speed and from any place with Wi-Fi. The course covers the main topics, and you’ll get everything you need to ace your APP certification test. You’ll also get to hang out with pros and other folks in the field to pick up more tips and make new friends.

  1. Learning the basics of important security areas like figuring out risks, analyzing threats, responding to incidents, investigating, and getting ready for emergencies.
  2. Practicing skills to improve security, build connections outside the company, and do background checks.
  3. Knowing how to create programs to teach employees about security, protect important people, and keep buildings and stuff safe.
  4. Deciding how to set up security measures to reduce risks, plan for emergencies, and get ready before anything bad happens.
  5. Getting the hang of security rules, laws, and best practices, and how to handle projects, communicate well, and check security systems.

– Security Fundamentals

– Business Operations

– Risk Management

– Response Management

The ASIS APP training in New York is for folks like:

– Those who’ve been in security management for one to three years.

– People with a bachelor’s degree in security management or something like that, or those who’ve got three years of experience without a degree.

– Looking to dive deeper into the basics of security management, how to handle risks, run a business, and deal with emergencies.

It’s perfect for beginners and managers looking to take their security careers to the next level.

To get certified for the APP, you need to have at least a year of paid work experience in security. You also need to be willing to stick to the ASIS Code of Conduct and follow the rules of the ASIS-APP training in New York.

Why Choose Us?

Choosing NYTCC (New York Training Center Certification) for your ASIS-APP training in New York is a great choice for a bunch of solid reasons that set us apart from the rest. We’re all about being top-notch, our programs have got you covered, and we’re here to back you up like no one else. NYTCC is the ideal choice for anyone looking to beef up their security management skills and earn that crucial APP certification.

At NYTCC, we’ve got a crew of instructors who are super experienced and know their stuff when it comes to security management. They’ve nailed down a lot in this field and are ready to share their insights during the training. This means you’re going to get some awesome advice tailored to today’s security issues.

You can dive into your courses whenever it suits you, making it super convenient. Plus, our interactive stuff keeps you engaged and helps you remember key points. When you pick NYTCC for your ASIS-APP training in New York, you’re stepping into a group of folks who are all about learning and making the world a safer place.

APP Exam Format

Exam Components


Exam Duration

120 minutes

Exam Type


Exam Format


Number of Questions



1-3 years of security management experience or equivalent

Exam Fee

$200 USD for members and $350 USD for non-members




APP Examination Cost

The ASIS APP (Associate Protection Professional) test will set you back $300, no matter if you’re a member or not. But, if you’re in Emerging Market 1, you’ll only pay $225, and for Emerging Market 2, it’s $210. If you need to take the test again, it’ll cost you $150.

Domains of APP Certificatete



Security Fundamentals


Business Operations


Risk Management


Response Management



Career Post APP

The ASIS-APP training in New York is a stepping stone for aspiring security professionals. It validates foundational knowledge in security principles and practices. With this credential, you can enhance your career prospects in roles like security officer, analyst, or investigator. It’s a valuable asset for those starting out in the security industry, demonstrating commitment to professional development and expertise.

Average Salary

The ASIS International U.S. Security Salary Survey showed that on average, security workers made $102,000. People who were certified got a 10–12% bump in their pay compared to those who weren’t certified.

Enroll for ASIS-APP Training Today

Give NYTCC’s ASIS-APP training in New York a try. It’s all about getting you the know-how and skills you need to climb the ladder in your field and earn more.

Enroll now and kick off your path to becoming a pro in security with NYTCC’s help!

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