The Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) is a certification that shows you understand the basics of cloud computing and Azure services. It’s a good certification for beginners who want to learn about Azure’s key features like computing, networking, storage, and security.

Getting the AZ-900 training in New York can make your resume stand out, boost your job prospects in cloud technology, and prepare you for more advanced Azure certifications. You can prepare for the AZ-900 test by taking courses from Microsoft, watching videos, or specializing on Coursera.

AZ-900 Training is Your Key to Certification

Taking the AZ-900 training in New York is key to getting your certification because it offers a clear way to learn. It breaks down complex Azure topics into bite-sized pieces, making it easier to get the hang of everything on the test.

Usually, these courses have practice tests. They’re like a mock exam, helping you see where you’re doing well and where you need to work harder.

– Learn everything there is to know about cloud computing, like its pros and how to set it up.

– Check out what makes Microsoft Azure tick, like its networking, storage, computing, and management services.

– Get the lowdown on Azure’s key parts, like its databases, App Service, virtual machines, and security features.

– Understand what Azure’s service agreements cover and how to keep costs in check.

– Learn about Azure’s security, privacy, rules, and how trustworthy it is.

– Cloud Computing Fundamentals

– Microsoft Azure Core Services

– Azure Security and Management

– IT Professionals

– Software Developers

– Data Analysts/Scientists

– Project Managers

– Sales/Marketing Professionals

– Entrepreneurs

– Non-Technical Professionals

You don’t really need any special skills for the Microsoft AZ-900 training in New York, but it’s a good idea to know a bit about computers, like servers, networks, and what cloud computing is all about.

You don’t have to be a tech expert already, but understanding the basics of IT could help you learn more. The key is being open to learning and getting the hang of Microsoft Azure and what it offers.

Choose NYTCC's Proven AZ-900 training

Getting the hang of Microsoft Azure is key if you want to land cool jobs in the cloud computing world. The AZ-900 training program at NYTCC is a great way to pick up everything you need to do well in this ever-evolving area.

Our Microsoft AZ-900 training in New York is created by folks who’ve been in the business and know their stuff. It goes over the big points of cloud computing, like why it matters and the different ways you can set it up, along with the usual services you can offer in this field.

You’ll learn about Azure’s components, including computers, networks, storage, and management. Our Microsoft AZ-900 training in New York includes key Azure services like virtual machines, App Service, databases, and security.

This helps you understand how they function in real-world scenarios. Additionally, NYTCC offers practice tests similar to the AZ-900 exam to assess your knowledge and identify areas for improvement. We provide individual support to help you learn with ease and increase your chances of success.

NYTCC’s AZ-900 training in New York is a reliable and effective method for mastering Microsoft Azure basics, making it a great choice for achieving your cloud certification goals.

Microsoft AZ-900 Exam Format




45 Minutes




Online Proctored Exam


Chinese, Japanese, English, Korean, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Indonesian, Italian and Arabic


Microsoft AZ-900 Examination Cost

Exam fee for the Microsoft AZ-900 is $99 USD in total.

Domains of Microsoft AZ-900 Certificate



Cloud Concept

An outline of cloud computing. the benefits, alternatives for public, private, and hybrid deployment, and shared service offerings

Azure Architecture & Services

Understanding Azure’s architectural components, including its networking, storage, computing, and management services.

Azure Management and Governance

Being aware of Azure’s fundamental security capabilities, such as identity and access control, data security, and attack protection.



Your Ticket to Cloud Jobs

Completing Microsoft AZ-900 training in New York opens up exciting job prospects in cloud computing. It provides a strong foundation in Azure, making you a strong candidate for roles like Cloud Support Specialist, Junior Cloud Administrator, Cloud Sales Specialist, IT Support Technician, Azure Fundamentals Trainer, and Business Analyst. With further training and experience, you can advance to higher roles such as Azure Administrator or Cloud Architect/Developer.

Average Salary

After obtaining AZ-900 certification, the average salary in the US is typically in the range of $80,000 to $116,500.

Enroll for Microsoft AZ-900 Training Today

Give your cloud career a try instead of just fantasizing about it. Enroll in the AZ-900 training in New York offered by NYTCC right now. Discover the fundamentals of Microsoft Azure, discover intriguing career opportunities, and calculate your earning potential.

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